Sunday, June 1, 2008

Journal Numbers

When you rename your journal, you're no longer associated with that username. However, you can't get rid of the usernumber that is public in your profile.

Tohanry: 14988098
dedicatetoyou: 42752

Numbers aside, we seemed to have gotten our first commentor! Sadly, Blogger does not provide IPs, so I'm fixing that now. But they suggested that I "get a life". A common retort when you've run out of creative things to say to someone you know absolutely nothing about online. It takes me all of 20 minutes out of my day to maintain this site. However, our friends the Itsons are either slow readers, or they just have all day to play:

As they are a predictable bunch, I am positive that they will resort to using a proxy to view this site and comment. I also seen where one of them, presumably Ellis, searched for "Street Mage". Nice. Did you learn anything from this experience?

Shouldn't these heathens be in church, saving all of Toledo from the eternal damnation of Hell's fire?