Tuesday, June 3, 2008


There's never been an introduction or reason why this legal blog is here, so here's the story behind why it is here.

Everything was quiet and calm, when on May 26, 2008, Ellis Itson III got a hair up his ass and started blanking the RX Suicide ED entry. He was asked by ED admin, DCY, to stop the vandalism. Ellis Itson III went off the deep end, vowing to get a woman named Lizziey (Elizabeth), and started making the statement that Elizabeth was behind his wife getting fired at work. This is all documented in Ellis Itson's User Talk on ED, unless he has had the admins delete that as well. I have scans that I can post if that has been deleted.

Chelsea Itson did not want people to know her real name. Why not? But people found it because she made public links in her journal to places where her full, real name was posted (even Ellis Itson III eventually admitted this was wrong). So she wasn't too scared of people "doing things" to her in the real world. I put her name in Google with quotes, and guess what came up? The overcomebullying.com article that proved Ellis Itson III's psycho rambling on Encyclopedia Dramatica was a lie.

Chelsea Itson, by her own admission, did not lose her job because Elizabeth called her job. For all we know, Elizabeth just called there to verify that she worked there, and that would not have cost Chelsea Itson her job. Chelsea Itson lost her job because she has a mental illness and cannot get along with people, nor can she let things go. She constantly fought with her boss, she constantly let it get to her, and eventually her job performance lacked and she voluntarily quit her job.

Ellis Itson III's ED page where he claimed Elizabeth eventually cost Chelsea Itson her job:

In response to "is this blog legal?", yes, it is. That law about annoying people online is only for people who make fake comments without an email address or real URL. Like "Sam" and "Dragon", then you have to prove, with someone's real name and location, they are the ones anonymously annoying you. There are many blogs out there, exposing and outing fucked up people, that are anonymous. We are not "annoying" anyone, because no one is forcing you to come to this site. But keep visiting. The more traffic this site gets, the higher in Google it will be for searches, and the more likely it will be found by the Itson's church, coworkers, family and classmates.