Chelsea Itson must think that whoever was behind this site was no longer interested in what she was doing. She undeleted her Livejournal today. Complete with nauseating user pictures.
Will Ellis Lee Itson also undelete his journal and come back with full on insanity? Time will tell.
This reminds me. I saved all of her "private" wedding pictures somewhere. Does anyone want to see them?
Thursday, June 19, 2008
Dedicatetoyou Returns
Sunday, June 8, 2008
Another ED Article & Scans
Ellis Lee Itson III's EncyclopediaDramatica entry is back! Thus proving that you can't keep a good article down!
Predictions come true: Chelsea Itson deleted all of the pages/profiles that I discovered, then had her worthless husband come on a proxy and comment. I have all of those pages saved as scans and I have all the time in the world to post them.
These people have wasted 100 hours of their lives and an entire week stressing over this site. Why? Their actions have not changed anything. The site is still here. Infact, we're ahead of, in Google. We're second to her walk page. And.... Her ED page now points to her real name if Googled. So all those visits and clicks on the links here? That Google bombed her name, much like "miserable failure" used to bring up Bush's presidency page.
PS: I've only spent about an hour on my Itsons Project. How long have they spent trying to stop "teh dramma"?
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Ellis Lee Itson III
You know, after spewing his "this blog is illegal because it is anonymously harassing!" speech, one would think Ellis Lee Itson III would follow his own advice and not use to comment here. Especially when the stat tracker tells on him.
I know you're posting from work, Ellis. The same thing your wife Chelsea did that caused her boss to get on her case. Now, I am fully prepared to let your boss log in and see the stats here, and the comments you have made, and let them decide what actions should be taken against you. When you visit sites, even from your laptop, they are recorded as accessed through your work's business network. So if you want to keep harassing me on company time, go for it.
The goal of this blog was never to get people to do anything to the Itsons off the internet. If anyone finds this blog, who also knows Ellis and Chelsea, then it's by their own Google searches, and nothing that I have personally done. I've never promoted this blog once, but I know the Itsons submitted it all over their ex-friends pages. In the meantime, the goal of this blog is to prove that Chelsea and Ellis Lee are the ones who are putting their information out there, willingly, publicly, online. I am merely linking to it all, and printing it out as I find it.
Chelsea wants to be found in real life. She has a rape fetish. She wants a big, bad, Nazi to come and rape her. She wants to be the victim. She wants that attention. That's why she does this. That's why she does the stupid things she does and then acts shocked when people find out her real name, or that her real phone number begins with 666, or she lives on Tracy Cree.... You get the idea. The only victims in this picture are Ellis, a victim of stupidity and sudden shock at the loss of virginity syndrome, and all of Chelsea's friends who actually believe her. Eventually they will find out and see her for what she is.
There are several people who update this blog. So far Ellis has yet to name a single one of us. But keep guessing. It's actually fun, collecting all this evidence on you.
More finds: Chelsea Itson's profile.
More Finds
I really wasn't going to post today, expose more stupidity that I found, but Ellis Itson III came here from and commented with more lies and backpeddaling, and general stupidity, so now I have to. Maybe while he and Chelsea scurry to delete more of their personal information they have publicly and voluntarily posted on the world wide web, they'll have less time to worry about what's on this site and what someone they can't even remember has to say about them.
Let's start with a short lesson on cell phones. Cell phones are great. They're virtually anonymous, they're unpublished, unlisted. That is, until you post them in your ICQ profile. Yes, it might be out of date, and I'm not going to call it to verify. I simply Googled Chelsea's cell phone number and look what popped up. Don't worry Ellis, she gave me her number back in 2006. At least it's not a 666 number, right?
Chelsea Itson used to be into tranny porn! I'd love to see you speak Russian or even understand it. With that comes a second Yahoo profile, this time she says she's "single and not looking". According to Ellis' Xanga, they started dating in 2005. What gives? Maybe he had someone better and they left him because of his mental illness and willingness to emotionally abuse women? Chelsea must love it.
And yes, as always, I've already printed a couple of copies of the Yahoo 360 profile, the second Yahoo profile, and the ICQ profile.
Tuesday, June 3, 2008
There's never been an introduction or reason why this legal blog is here, so here's the story behind why it is here.
Everything was quiet and calm, when on May 26, 2008, Ellis Itson III got a hair up his ass and started blanking the RX Suicide ED entry. He was asked by ED admin, DCY, to stop the vandalism. Ellis Itson III went off the deep end, vowing to get a woman named Lizziey (Elizabeth), and started making the statement that Elizabeth was behind his wife getting fired at work. This is all documented in Ellis Itson's User Talk on ED, unless he has had the admins delete that as well. I have scans that I can post if that has been deleted.
Chelsea Itson did not want people to know her real name. Why not? But people found it because she made public links in her journal to places where her full, real name was posted (even Ellis Itson III eventually admitted this was wrong). So she wasn't too scared of people "doing things" to her in the real world. I put her name in Google with quotes, and guess what came up? The article that proved Ellis Itson III's psycho rambling on Encyclopedia Dramatica was a lie.
Chelsea Itson, by her own admission, did not lose her job because Elizabeth called her job. For all we know, Elizabeth just called there to verify that she worked there, and that would not have cost Chelsea Itson her job. Chelsea Itson lost her job because she has a mental illness and cannot get along with people, nor can she let things go. She constantly fought with her boss, she constantly let it get to her, and eventually her job performance lacked and she voluntarily quit her job.
Ellis Itson III's ED page where he claimed Elizabeth eventually cost Chelsea Itson her job:
In response to "is this blog legal?", yes, it is. That law about annoying people online is only for people who make fake comments without an email address or real URL. Like "Sam" and "Dragon", then you have to prove, with someone's real name and location, they are the ones anonymously annoying you. There are many blogs out there, exposing and outing fucked up people, that are anonymous. We are not "annoying" anyone, because no one is forcing you to come to this site. But keep visiting. The more traffic this site gets, the higher in Google it will be for searches, and the more likely it will be found by the Itson's church, coworkers, family and classmates.
Monday, June 2, 2008
It seems like Chelsea Itson spent three and a half hours of her worthless life destroying evidence, deleteing pages and clicking every link on this site. Sounds like someone has no life!
This page is also the first thing she thinks about when she gets up in the morning:
But that's alright. Before I ever posted here about the sites in the side bar, I printed them out. In a few minutes, I'm going to take these printouts to the post office and mail them to Elizabeth. Because, you see, even though the Itsons destroyed the evidence online, judges and the police will want printed out proof. I also scanned some of these print outs:
I also included the Mayclock talk page and Ellis Itson III's old Xanaga and Yahoo profile for Californialee. I didn't bother with the Geocities site it was just copyrighted screen shots anyway.
The EncyclopediaDramatica entry is back! That needs to be added to the side bar along with Chelsea's Yahoo profile.
I wonder why Maggi didn't come back to defend her dear friends now that IP tracking is enabled? Could it be that Maggi = Chelsea Itson?
Sunday, June 1, 2008
Journal Numbers
When you rename your journal, you're no longer associated with that username. However, you can't get rid of the usernumber that is public in your profile.
Tohanry: 14988098
dedicatetoyou: 42752
Numbers aside, we seemed to have gotten our first commentor! Sadly, Blogger does not provide IPs, so I'm fixing that now. But they suggested that I "get a life". A common retort when you've run out of creative things to say to someone you know absolutely nothing about online. It takes me all of 20 minutes out of my day to maintain this site. However, our friends the Itsons are either slow readers, or they just have all day to play:
As they are a predictable bunch, I am positive that they will resort to using a proxy to view this site and comment. I also seen where one of them, presumably Ellis, searched for "Street Mage". Nice. Did you learn anything from this experience?
Shouldn't these heathens be in church, saving all of Toledo from the eternal damnation of Hell's fire?