Thursday, May 29, 2008

Lee's Talk page.

Then will you tell me what exactly I'm supposed to do? I wanted to be friendly with this. I wanted this to just be let go, but now what? Should I let some ED article sitting online ruin my wife's future? I'm sorry I don't know where to put things or what to say here, but this is flat-out defamation, and it may end up being worth it to seek a lawyer to have this removed. I did NOT want to go this route but I will do anything to protect my wife and her future.

[edit] Awwww

Looks like someone did exactly what I said I would do, when the same question was posed on my talk page!

And we're not the ones ruining your wife's future, your wife did that all on her own.

-- She hasn't done a damn thing to you Lizziey**. She has been off of the drama front for months. She NEVER made those remarks against Mandi. You KNOW you set her up. Half of the shit you post on her ED is false. Now that we know it was YOU who called her job, we'll be filing against you for a making a false complaint, defamation, and about anything else we can get you for. Your knack for taking online things offline is catching up to you now. We have enough information about you to locate you and at the very least, serve you with a cease and desist order. You have the right to LOL all you want, but you do not have the right to post libel about my wife in a manner that can ruin any chance of her having a future or a career in what she loves to do.

How dare you call yourself a Christian, Lizziey. You don't even know the definition of 'Christian'. Do you even care that you are hurting your brethren? Did you skip over that part in the article where you are supposed to be humble and love your neighbor? How DARE you, Lizziey. I have been immersed in the church my entire life and never have I come across a person who is further from a real Christian in my entire life. My wife is trying her hardest to make a life for herself and get past the things she did now over a year and a half ago, and you continue to badger her and harass her when she is not even doing anything wrong. You are not one of God's people. God's people aren't as evil as you are. My wife has made mistakes, as every human has, but you are malicious and full of hatred, and you have no respect for human life or human behavior. Why can you "change" and she cannot? She is not the one sitting online, posting degrading and hateful comments to you. You are doing that to her, and did to others as well. This is not the teaching of the Lord. Trust, your pastor will be educating you in this soon, as well. Do you plan on making his life a living hell, as well, when he tells you you are wrong? - Mayclock 00:32, 27 May 2008 (CDT)

Cry all you want, but I am not "Lizziey". I just hate your wife for all the shit she's caused in this world. Though I'm sure lizziey'd love to know you're posting her full name (which I have screencapped, and am removing for her. Continue to post it, after having your own name removed, and I will report you myself!), and threatening to bring this drama offline into her life! Isn't that a bit hypocritical of you? You're claiming Christianity, right? Where is the "do unto others" you freaks like to spout? Or the "turn the other cheek" or whatever drivel it is? I'm sure your space fairy will forgive you all of this, right?

How pathetic and lowly of you to bring things lizziey isn't even doing to you (this article, for one) offline against her. You are one of the saddest specimens on the planet, Lee. You and your wife.

-- Lizziey is the one who called my wife's job and she is the one who harasses my wife online everywhere she goes. You are a liar, shesaheriongirl and when we take this court, all computers will be seized, phone calls will be tracked back to last year, and we will know who has been doing what in this matter (which is NOT my wife, and that is the truth). I will do anything to protect my wife, including suing those who post libel against her and harass her in real life, and if that is considered "sad" and "pathetic", then I wouldn't want to know what you would do for the person you love. My wife has brought so much goodness to my life and she has completely changed her own, and it angers me beyond belief that people like you, Lizziey, will not allow her the chance in her life that she deserves.

If you are not Lizziey (which I know you are, shesaheriongirl), then you are just as bad as she is and you are obviously an absolute nutcase. My wife hasn't done anything to anybody in over a year and a half. She never wished death on anyone, she never withheld money from anyone, she never did any of things on her ED article beyond the first paragraph about the racist things she said (and then apologized for and hasn't done since). She has the right to change her life and you and your harassment is what is standing in her way. There is no reason for such hatred towards my wife from anyone now because she has truly made up for everything she has (actually) done. It is time to move on with your life and leave my wife to hers. What you are doing to her is criminal. You cannot put things that are false in writing. That is a crime called Libel. Do I need to spell that out for you?

We will most likely be seeing you, Lizziey, in court. I'm not going to let my wife go down in this without a fight any longer. The things you are saying and doing to her are not only not warranted, but absolutely unreal and unimaginable. She should be given the same chance as anyone else to change her life.

EDIT: Just adding that the other thing she has done is bring down LJUS. The maintainer of LJUS was allowing my father's personal information to be posted publicly and she did everything she could to defend her family. I don't understand how this is dishonorable or pathetic. However, she never threatened to kill him like her ED states, which is another bit of libel against her. She told him that she was going to report his site to the company who bought the domain from, and his domain would be shut down without refund. She has all of the emails between her and Mark in her gmail and we can prove that she never threatened any harm against him. She loves her family and she loves me, and she is willing to do just about anything to protect those she loves in her life. There is nothing wrong with that at all. Mayclock 01:11, 27 May 2008 (CDT)

You go right on ahead, bring her to court. But don't you live pretty far away from her? How do you intend for her to get to court in your area? And her husband got booted from the Army, and they had to GTFO of the military base. Wouldn't it then be difficult to track phone calls of a place she no longer lives? You make no sense at all.

Do you have actual documented proof it was lizziey who called your wife's job? You show your proof, and I will gladly post it myself to her article here. However, just as you and your wife has blamed several others in the past for the call, you're continuing to grasp at straws. If you had proof, you would have given it long ago.

If your wife was so done with being in drama, why did she start posting in drama communities again? That doesn't seem like much of a change to me.

Either way, I am not Lizziey, I just think your wife should have to face every screwed up thing she ever did, for the rest of her life. I don't believe in "change", especially not when its a person like that to which you are married. I'm sure you wish I were her, so that you would be able to have something tangible against her for your court hearing, but I'm not. And the likelihood of your figuring out who I am is slim to none, as I am someone who has never commented to your wife. Just someone who sat on the sidelines and lulzed at her as she continued to make a fool of herself.

-- Her former friend outted her as the person who called her job. A friend of hers pointed her to the thread that revealed this. That is enough proof for a warrant to have phone records traced. Even if she doesn't have the line anymore, her previous bills in their names can still be traced. We do live far from her, but we can still get a subpoena. If we have to go there, we will.

My wife is a wonderful person. She was severely depressed and very ill when she made the remarks she did. She is not in that state anymore and has not done anything since. The "drama" posted about her after that, all of the things said by "anonymous", were NOT her. We will gladly submit our computers to be searched for things typed on them. You do know it is possible to find this information, right?

It's a shame you don't believe in change. You must live a very sad life if you don't think people can revolutionize their lives for the better. She is active in our church, she is doing a walk for Mental Illness, she has always done various charity events even before I met her, she is back in school, she is living healthier than she ever has. She even donated money to someone whose child was ill, someone who only had any contact with her when the racist mess was happening, someone who I am sure does not like her but she did it because the person was in need of it. Even moreso, she has helped me in my struggles in my life, she has lifted my self-esteem higher than it's ever been in my entire life, she encourages me and she pushes me to do my best in life. How could I not love such a person? She is going to achieve great things and I will do whatever I can to make sure that lies such as these about her past do not stand in her way. She is a far better person than you, Lizziey, any day of the week. The joy she has brought into my life surmounts any bad things she had said in anger in the past. The fact that you continue to harass her and make her life miserable after she has truly changed hers speaks loudly about your character and shows the world that you are a jealous, terrible, and miserable person. She has never had the amount of hate in her heart, ever, that you present here. What you are presenting is absolutely despicable. Mayclock 01:39, 27 May 2008 (CDT)

Where are these links? Do you have screencaps? I firmly believe that if you had enough evidence to get her in trouble for calling, your wife would have done so already. That is the kind of spiteful psycho person she is. The second she can make someone suffer, she does so. And when she can't actually do it, she makes threats. Now, she has you doing her dirty work for her, so she can continue this facade of a change. The fact that your threat has never been carried out against anyone regarding this call to your wife's job shows that you can't provide anything to back up any claims as to who made the call.

As for you submitting your computers, I'm not sure where you're going with that? The IPs connected to the comments your wife made at her nastiest in LJUS (on GJ) traced back to La Q, not your house. Are you going to claim you can "submit" the hotel's computers as well? I'm sure the hotel will be more than happy to hand over all their computers for the extensive time it takes police agencies to go through them. Right.

And as you continue to call me Lizziey, I continue to laugh at you. Again, far more than one person hates your wife. Don't think you could ever narrow that number by trying to vandalize the article written about her. People like me will make sure it shows up front and center when people Google your wife's name, because that is the lot she deserves in this life.

--The link to her friend outting her is in the many reverts I made. Go look for yourself.

Yes, she read GJ and LJUS on her computer from work. She never used a work computer to read this, however; she has her own laptop which hooked up to the wireless. Do you know that when you put a bug in the comments section of a post, it will show up on a tracker that whomever hits that bug is posting, even if they are not? Do you also realize that you can rig your own LJ Toy to not pick up your own hit (thus, making it possible to set someone up by making a comment when you see a person you do not like hit your bug)? You can also trick the bug by simply disabling image loading. She had nothing to hide from anyone, and she was not making any harassing posts from her workplace. You should read about LJToys. I have done a lot of research about these webtrackers. I am an IT professional. You have absolutely no proof that she was posting anything, and I know that she was not because she loved her job and she desperately wanted to start over again with her life.

Again, your words on this screen prove how full of hate and how miserable your life is. Only a hateful and terrible person would get joy out of hurting somebody the way you are trying to with my wife. Is this your life's goal, to make sure my wife suffers and drowns until she kills herself? That shows that you are a terrible, horrible person. My wife is better than you in so many ways, I can't even begin to list them here. She has already submitted this case to lawyers through their online forms, and we hope to hear from them this week. In the meantime, you should honestly sit down and reevaluate your life. If there is anyone in need of God or in need of mental health care, it seems to be you. The lies you spread about my wife and the threats you make on here are enough to prove that you are mentally ill. Mayclock 02:15, 27 May 2008 (CDT)

If you didn't want your wife's future ruined by her internet past, you should have married someone else. Face the facts, your wife is a racist, backstabbing bitch. No amount of threats, whining, or e-lawyers is going to change that. You simply can't hide who she was behind a "Christian" facade, not after everything she did.

-- The only thing she's ever "done" is saying some nasty things to people online, which she has apologized for and has not done since. She hasn't ruined anyone's lives the way you are trying to ruin hers. Let me reiterate, she has NOT taken things offline the way you are attempting to do with her. Grow up. I married her because she is a good woman, and we needed each other and wanted to be with each other. You are pathetic and a hypocrite if you feel people cannot change. Mayclock 16:34, 27 May 2008 (CDT)

How have I ever taken anything about your wife offline? I have done nothing but edit some ED articles. And yet, your wife has taken things offline, by your own admission! Did she or did she not contact e-lawyers about what you claim Lizziey has done, which you still have failed to provide any proof too aside from word-of-mouth from other drama whores. Not good enough!

-- She never has. At this point, I will, to get this libel offline. What Lizziey did eventually cost her her job.* And over what? A lie to begin with. Re-read what you have written here. You have threatened to make sure that anything she says and does remains front and center whenever her name is googled. Do you even realize that it could ruin her future, in her real life? That's as good as taking it offline. You need to drop this. She isn't doing anything wrong. If you drop this defamation, I will drop everything myself. By the way, her former friends saying publicly that she did and the fact that it did happen is enough for a warrant to check if she ever made the call. Warrants are issued on credible evidence. After everything that that woman has done to my wife, and now these claims, that is enough credible evidence. Mayclock 21:28, 27 May 2008 (CDT)

You have fun with that. I don't believe any judge would ever be stupid enough to listen to you. "My wife did bad shit online, and now we want it to all go away!!!" is not a reason to open a court case, and you would be laughed off the premises.

And again, you have still failed to provide any proof other than hearsay that Lizziey has done anything to your wife. When you provide actual proof, maybe someone will listen to you. Until then, stop being a baby, accept that your wife is e-famous and e-hated, and move on.

Here's a little life lesson:

In my fall senior year of high school, I fucked up online. I pissed off people. They posted my real name along side photos of me. Googling my name brought up their sites.

I ignored it.

It went away.

Years later, I am a junior nursing student with a promising future. What people said online didn't alter my life the least.

If your wife is that insecure with her life, perhaps you should take the money you want to sue the people who she wrong, who are now mad about her wrong doings and posting their opinions in a public forum where she made that information public, and get her therapy. Give back to this great woman who has given your life so much meaning. Her obsession with this is unhealthy and you advocating for her is just as unhealthy. Other wise, you are just wasting your money.

~Someone who is NOT Lizziey.

With a stalker like you, it's evident that it's not possible for it to all just "go away". You won't let it. She's not even doing anything wrong and you still won't let it be.

It's evident that I'm dealing with a sociopath. I'm not asking for it to "all go away". I'm asking for what is libel to go away. That's not unreasonable in the slightest. Also, you might want to know that libel lawyers often don't get paid until they win, so it would be no spare money out of my pocket.

Anyway, like I said, it's obvious I'm dealing with a sociopath. If you've got all of these other things going on in your life, then you should be dealing with those things. And I thought people could never change? Then I guess you're just as bad as my wife since you said some messed up shit too, right? Because you can't change. Mayclock 12:32, 28 May 2008 (CDT)

Check your history page, dude. You're talking to two different people now. But we're the crazy messed up ones, and not your wife, correct? You are so wrong, on so many levels. And no real libel laywer would take this case on, because they can easily read all this, mett your wife, and realize she really is as batshit and screwy as everyone says she is.
[edit] Not Lizzey

I'm not Shesaheroingirl, and that was my first comment to you. I was not snarking you, I was giving you genuine, honest advice from my own experience with the internet.

If you love this woman, get her help. She needs it. You need it. You lash out before seeing who or what you're dealing with. You turn a blind eye to what she has done. A stable, secure woman owns up to her past and doesn't have her family all over it trying to get it taken down.

She entices these people to edit her page. Log out of your journal and look at her journal. Right there on the front page is a link to a site with her full name, a post that says people who edit this have 'no lives' and all this other garbage. If she's so scared of people Googling her, that link would bring people to her journal and that journal would bring people here. Have her stop publicly posting all together. Trust me, the "trolls" will find someone else to "pick on" if you both stop making mountains out of this.

Just a little fyi: She says someone has no life and is horrible for 'constantly' editing her ED page. That must be you, Lee, because before you had dirty old b-tard blank the history page, YOU edited it more than everyone else put together.

-- Except your advice is wrong. I know what's she's done and what she hasn't. I don't want it all down, I want what she truly hasn't done down. I had the MODS remove our full names. She has a link up for our walk for people to donate online if they wish. She can't edit her name out of that. My apologies that I believe that people should only "own up to" things they have actually done and she should not take responsibility for things she has NOT done. But thank you for your advice. You are obviously another person who has no idea what she has actually done and what she is all about. Mayclock 15:13, 28 May 2008 (CDT)

"Except your advice is wrong." It has worked in every drama situation I've seen. Trolls don't troll those who ignore them. Haven't you ever seen the blinkie "Don't feed the trolls"? It's true.

"I had the MODS remove our full names." The history of RxSuicide was blanked. I got an email saying "Mayclock" requested that the history be blanked. If this is untrue, take it up with the person one of you begged to have it removed because they are telling another story. Mark told another story.

"She has a link up for our walk for people to donate online if they wish. She can't edit her name out of that." No, she can't edit her name out of it, but she doesn't have to link to it publicly. That's asking for trouble. That's asking for people who dislike her to find her and harass her off line. If I was afraid people would harass me at work, track me down offline, feared for my life, I would not publicly link to a site with my last name on it. Her name was originally leaked because of her publicly linking to pages that had it on there. She's making the same mistake over and over again and not learning from it. The lesson is: People can't find you, if you don't rub their noses in it.

"You are obviously another person who has no idea what she has actually done and what she is all about." I was her friend, journal friend, since 2004 until the Mandy drama last year when she unfriended me because I did not unfriend Mandy. I guess my time and kind words, encouragement and caring attitude were not enough to be her friend. I stayed neutral in this drama since it started, I watched it unfold for a long time, and my only advice is to let it go and don't feed the trolls. . . . ...................................... . . .

-- I never asked for the history to be blanked. I asked for our personal information to be removed, time and time and time again. You kept adding it, time and time again, and he blanked it on his own.

When Mandy, Lizziey, and Lyricmaniac set her up with that "death note", my advice to her was to get rid of anyone tied to them, and she did so. Mandy and that crew proved that kind words and encouragement on LJ meant absolutely nothing. They had leaked her private entires for long before that set up. Remember when she was in the hospital detoxing? Lyricmaniac is who leaked tho entries. Lizziey and Mandy convinced her that it wasn't her, despite all of the evidence to the contrary. When it all came out that it was a huge setup, she got rid of everyone. That means you should be on here posting false information about her now? Ohhhhhh.... I see how that works.

Like I said, sociopaths. You shouldn't be stalking her. You should leave her alone because she's not doing anything wrong and hasn't done anything wrong for a long, long time. The only things she is guilty of is saying some nasty things online (which she owned up to), making friends with the wrong crowd, not believing Mandy about her ailments (which I don't either, tbh), and now, saying five things to Lizziey because it was brought to her attention that Lizziey called her job. I know for a fact that the other things people are claiming she has done is false.

Edit: You are correct about the walk. I removed it for her. I think she posted it publicly because she just wanted to show people she was trying to do good things. Mayclock 17:39, 28 May 2008 (CDT)

"I never asked for the history to be blanked." I am going by what the admin who emailed me told me. I, personally, did not provide or put up personal information other than an illustrated icon and correct a typo in a link because another person was being flammed for something unrelated to this.

"When Mandy, Lizziey, and Lyricmaniac set her up with that "death note", my advice to her was to get rid of anyone tied to them, and she did so." I was unfriended the night before that happened.

"Mandy and that crew proved that kind words and encouragement on LJ meant absolutely nothing." I chatted with her so much more off of Livejournal. None of it was face-to-face, but I still considered her a friend.

"That means you should be on here posting false information about her now?" What "false information" have I posted? I told you what I felt was fueling the fire under this, and according to your edit to these messages, that has been (partially) corrected.

"...saying five things to Lizziey because it was brought to her attention that Lizziey called her job." My point is that if you're serious about this lawsuit, then you should not be posting about it, publicly, in a forum where the guilty people whom you are going to take to court can see it. Telling your diabolical plan online is both enticing the drama among other things. People see what they are doing is getting a reaction from you, so they will continue to do it. They can only see it when you make these public posts online or respond to them.

"I think she posted it publicly because she just wanted to show people she was trying to do good things." The road to hell is paved with good intentions. And that hell has nothing to do with the afterlife.

. . . ...................................... . . .

-- Now you're officially just full of crap. You have put up personal information on various occasions, both of ours and my parents, and there is even a note to you from White Mystery to you saying to cease putting up our personal information. I asked that Mod three or four times to take down personal info, all of which was posted by you.

As for everything else, I showed all of this to her, and she says your pretty much full of crap. The night before all of the Mandy stuff happened, she was at work. She was also at work when it was happening. Time in between was spent with me, most likely in bed, because at the time, her sleep schedule was MY sleep schedule (which is how I know she never posted anything to Mandy because that post was made in the middle of the night). She spent those weeks busting her ass in training and then trying to figure out what the hell was happening.

That's alright though, keep making things up. You're pretty good at it, I see. Chronic liars usually are, though. But you are right in one thing, I shouldn't be making public the idea of a lawsuit against Lizziey, so this conversation is finished. Mayclock 19:53, 28 May 2008 (CDT)

. . . ...................................... . . . "...there is even a note to you from White Mystery to you..." The mod that I thought messaged me was Dirty old Btard. Why I thought that: I can't image how anyone could have gotten those mixed up.

"You have put up personal information on various occasions" A text link to a public profile? How was that "personal information"?

"both of ours and my parents" No, it was ONE Myspace link to your father or assumed father. The lie that was told to the mods about that was that people were "harassing" him because of this ED page. How could they have harassed him? He hasn't logged in since February.

"The night before all of the Mandy stuff happened, she was at work..." Night or day. All I know is that it was BEFORE you "warned" her about the evils of Lyric, so there blows that theory out of the water (backpeddaling much?). Of course all of you Nazis do think all Jews are evil and should be destroyed.

Lizziey isn't the only one who has exposed these things. Have you not seen the forums of That whole community flames her as soon as she sets foot in there.

"so this conversation is finished" Run out of excuses for your mentally ill wife? Save yourself the humiliation and simply get her therapy BEFORE taking this to a lawyer. If she still wants to sue after therapy, then maybe it's worth something. In fact, I think it's a good idea that you shut up now. All you have done is proven how wrong and ignorant you are (in the name of Jesus and your God), accuse an innocent person of conversing with you (Lizziey? Come on. Whoever is talking to you via shesaheroingirl is too coherent and uses too much proper grammar to be Lizziey), backpeddaled, and even agreed that your wife enticed people to come after her offline by publicly posting links to her 'deep, secret, personal information'. Any lawsuit that you might have had is gone now based on your actions in this thread here that started out with me telling you that this could all have been avoided by you and/or your wife stepping away from the computer and getting back to the real world. If you had a life bigger than the internet, this wouldn't bother you in the least.

But hey, you can threaten, beg, bribe and lie to the mods of this site some more. Maybe they will blank it for you again. Mayclock 06:15, 29 May 2008 (CDT)

-- Every single things you've posted here (and used the excuse of "WAH you're backpeddling! to) is incorrect. You should get your facts straight before you post more lies about my wife and I.

How about facts that your wife posted in her real name online? Maybe you should have her essay on removed before threatening to sue others. It tells a WHOLE DIFFERENT story than "some internet jerk" bothered her online. Unless Lizziey was her "GM".

*See Removed ED article post for article by Chelsea stating she left for "harrasment".

** Keep in mind Lee has no idea who he is talking to, but what we do know is that it was most certainly not Lizziey.