Sunday, June 8, 2008

Another ED Article & Scans

Ellis Lee Itson III's EncyclopediaDramatica entry is back! Thus proving that you can't keep a good article down!

Predictions come true: Chelsea Itson deleted all of the pages/profiles that I discovered, then had her worthless husband come on a proxy and comment. I have all of those pages saved as scans and I have all the time in the world to post them.

These people have wasted 100 hours of their lives and an entire week stressing over this site. Why? Their actions have not changed anything. The site is still here. Infact, we're ahead of, in Google. We're second to her walk page. And.... Her ED page now points to her real name if Googled. So all those visits and clicks on the links here? That Google bombed her name, much like "miserable failure" used to bring up Bush's presidency page.

PS: I've only spent about an hour on my Itsons Project. How long have they spent trying to stop "teh dramma"?